Subsidy Loan Without Security for Farmers upto Two Lakh
Subsidy Loan Without Security for Farmers up to Rs.2,00,000 | Government Loans for Farmers
Subsidy Loan Without Security for Farmers upto Two Lakh
If possible share this useful information to your family, friends, relatives and many other your maintained groups why because they also will get befitted.
An investment of farmer should be made for everyday expenses of his own cattle such as feeding cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, fodder for chickens, birds, fish, prawns, medicines, daily wage, water, electricity bill etc.,
Facility: Kisan Credit Card – Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Loan under PKC-AH & FISHERIES
It is Like a Pradhan Mantri Kisan Credit Card loan and it is a cash credit loan.
The individual is eligible for this loan either as a joint venture, through savings societies, joint liability groups, partnerships or tenant farmers.
Farmer should have a fishpond, pond, or aquaculture center or be leased for fish farming. If you are fishing in the sea, the boat must have the necessary license. Fish farming should be done by the farmer.
Scale of Finance decided by government as below:
The monthly cost per cow is between Rs.7000-8000
Cost for 3 months between Rs.21000-24000
The monthly cost per ox / buffalo / ox is between Rs.8000-9000
Cost for 3 months between Rs.21000-24000
(Twice the cost if there are two dairy cattle)
Sheep (20{Females} + 1{Male}) cost between Rs.30000-35000 per year
The cost per broiler chicken is between Rs.60-70
Cost per layer hen Rs.150 / –
Requirement should be estimated based on a production cycle or cash flow.
The party may withdraw from that account whenever necessary.
Regular Inspection will be done by bank where you availed the loan for checking.
Repayment will be yearly renewal till 3 years in between if you want to increase or decrease the loan limit you can approach the back and this based on your transactions
Normally the loan term is 3 years if reviewed every year.
Interest rate up to Rs 3 lakh 7 per cent and you will get 4 percent subsidy if you close the loan with in one year.
Interest rates change after the interest subvention period. Penalty takes interest.
Maximum loan amount: 2 lakhs
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Subsidy Loan Without Security for Farmers upto Two Lakh
Stamp Duty: Small car, thin car is not for farmers. (Farmers with 5 acres of Metta or 10 acres of Magani)
Need to follow per party limit.
Help farmers. Increase income in non-agricultural allied sectors and help the farmer to recover.
Our Ultimate mission is rural development.
Subsidy Loan Without Security for Farmers upto Rs.2,00,000 | Government Loans for Farmers
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